This kit contains all the files you will need to create your own themes for Revolution Launcher.
You will need a way to modify, generate or view SVG, PNG, JPG, JSON, HTML, and ZIP files.
Instructions can be found in the "_readme.txt" file.
File Contents
- _config.json
- _preview.html
- files
- arm.svg
- arm_night.svg
- arm_down.svg
- arm_down_night.svg
- middle.svg
- middle_night.svg
- middle_down.svg
- middle_down_night.svg
- wallpaper.jpg
- wallpaper_night.jpg
- thumbnails
- thumbnail_1.png
- thumbnail_2.png
- thumbnail_3.png
You can share you theme's ZIP file using any common file transfer method such as e-mail, or bluetooth.
To be shared in the app's theme store and/or any varity of other places for promotions, use the form linked below
to upload your theme for consideration.